Today I woke up to the best surprise ever. Ryan bought tickets for my boys and I to fly to Illinois to visit family and be there for my Grandpa's 80th surprise birthday party. This means the world to me and I love him dearly for it. We are going with my mom, thank goodness I will have her there to help me with my little guys! I am excited; however, a bit nervous as I am a little afraid of flying (again, thankfully my mom will be there).
Almost as soon as I am thankful I also feel a little bit of guilt. I will be missing Ryan's birthday, he says its no big deal but it is to me. I really plan to go all out for his 30th...should probably plan that now.
We are just days away from finding out whether the house we put an offer in for is ours. House hunting has been quite the process and has taken a little over a year to get to this point. First we started out with what has to be the world's WORST realitor! Seriously...the guy always got lost and while driving he would hold his laptop in one hand and the stirring wheel in the other. So many times I wanted to ask "Hey, ever heard of a GPS system??" We lost out of three houses we had interest in but every time we would say its only because there is a better one around the corner and there was. We are in love with this home and fingers crossed by the end of August will be our to move in. I will miss the area we live in and the school Andrew goes to but it is time to move on, this is a step we have been wanted to take for while.

Bentley has turned into a little rolly polly as of 3 days ago. So I was thinking....I can take tummy time away, right? I mean less tummy time equals less strength to crawl. I am not ready for the milestone as it will just make the fact that he is no longer an infant more real. His growth is bittersweet as I love to watch him develop and learn new things (things just as simple as grasping his toys) but it makes me sad to see him grow so fast. He is eating cereal now...not on a regular basis but mainly in the morning (breakfast is the most important meal). His cereal is actually steel cut oats (I make his food and I find more joy in it than I thought I would) which take so long to make! I recruited Andrew to help me yesterday...he thought is was fun!
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