Necklace: Local jewelry vendor from art/craft event
Shirt: Runway Fashion Exchange
Headband: Walgreens |
So obviously I love all things fashion and beauty and will usually try-total emphasis on the word try- something once (unless it's food; however, that is a whole other story).
I get so tired of the same hairstyle...same jeans and t-shirt...same shoes. As for shoes all through high school, up until about 2 years ago I wore flip flops (or thongs and I do not like to refer them as) religiously. Now, I know it doesn't get to cold in Arizona during the winter; however, bare toes can borderline frostbite at time-especially in the early morning hours. However, even then I wore them. I owned a pair in every color to match every outfit. Thank goodness I have graduated to actual shoes and sandals (which then I though they were sandals)
Whoa...bit off topic there (excuse me, where does fashion anonymous meet again?) ...
Great time to introduce my FAV shoes! These are SO comfortable and go with everything!
Candies: Kohls (on sale...thank you very much)
Ring: Michael's Craft Store (Shocker...I know!) |
Well, along came Pinterest and I no longer have to wear my hair the same way. No longer do I have to calculate my wardrobe with the same results. Let us not forget the beauty and accessorizing tips as well! I am one of those people who will coordinate my outfits the night before...all things included. I love to try new facial masks often. Playing with different hairstyles may now be a part of my resume. Yes, it is safe to say I am a beauty and fashion addict and I am blaming Pinterest (once more) for being my enabler.
Recently I invited (ok...begged) my mother-in-law (God love her) to take part in my beauty journalism. Through many blurry pictures due to laughter we were able to salvage a few.
I feel so odd when taking self-portraits as I as there are to many options: open smile or closed, should I sit or stand, this side or that...you get the idea (again...my poor mother-in-law who is by now claiming I am killing her). Feel special cause normally I would
never post a few of these pictures for the public eye but wanted to share a few of my Pinterest favs.
What to get and how to do it...
I am sure you've seen these on Pinterest but I will post the ingredients/directions here. Hey, if anything you guys know it works! :)...
Pore Tightening Baking Soda Mask
To reduce the appearance of pores and to tighten skin (this-for me at least- tends to dry my skin a bit; however, the oatmeal mask will clear that right up!)
Pretty...huh? |
* 1/2 cup of Baking Soda
*Enough water to make a paste
Put the baking soda in a bowl and add the water. When it becomes a paste scrub (LIGHTLY) on face and neck. Leave on till dry. When dry add another layer (do this over the sink...otherwise it will look like it was snowing in your bathroom). Wait till dry, rinse, and viola! Super easy and SUPER effective!
Moisturizing Oatmeal Mask
* 1 cup of oatmeal (non-instant)
*1 Cup sour cream
* 1 tbsp of honey
Do you see the oatmal about to attack my eye?! |
Mix it all together and wait about ten minutes for the oatmeal to absorb the wet ingredients. Spread on face gently and let sit till dry. No repeat necessary. Rinse and...you guessed...viola!
Apple Cider Toner
*1/2 oz Organic Apple Cider
* 3 Oz mineral water ( I used Pellegrino...so I could drink the rest, yum!)
*5 Plain un-coated aspirin tablets (love that these are super cheap!)
Mix! Mix! Mix! Once you have mixed well (note that aspirin will take a while to dissolve...me and my lack of patience did not wait till all dissolved). Once you have mixed store it in the fridge( It will keep for about a month) till ready to use that way it will stay fresh and the cooling effect is nice. I poured mine into a cheap Olive Oil dispenser you can find at Walmart or Target. I have found it to be very effective.
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LOVED this hairstyle!
Put hair in side ponytail. Twist lightly then pin as your wrap around ponytail holder. Do this loosely to get the voluminousness effect.
You can make it more sleek but I liked it messy.
There you have it...a few of my favourite "Pinterest" things! Hope you enjoyed and give a few a try. If you do PLEASE share! :)
Have a
fashionably beautiful day!
xoxo ~ LoriJewel