Monday, November 19, 2012

Breaking out the fall

You know how they say you don't know what your're missing until it is gone? Well...Arizona's 100+ degree weather seems to be gone and I have to say...I do not miss it! I love the cold weather; however, it could be due to my love (and slight obsession) to sweaters, jackets and scarfs.  Although I wear these items all year long I at least avoid the "What is she thinking" stares during the winter months.

 No matter where your decorations come from; whether they are from Target or the tree down the way enjoy it. Mother nature has given us a gift and it is a reminder to stop and take a moment to reflect on the changes in our lives. The future is on it's way...make it as warm and promising as the gifts nature gives us. 

Earrings: Claire's
Shirt: Goodwill
Belt: Target
Jeans: Target
Flats: Target

I also have a love for fall colors. The beautiful oranges, yellows and browns bring such warmth the everyday scenery. Well, if you live in the valley your warmth comes from the heater and some store bought decorations.

(My mom, sister, and I went to Goodwill this past Thursday (we had was 50% off day!) and I found some great items. It will take a few posts for me to actual get the hang of self-portraits so bare with me! )

Bloggers Anonymous

Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to blogs. I love to read other people's blog and sharing in their interests.  Blogging is such a great way for us little people to be able to share our thoughts, passions and anything else we think the "world" should know.  It may actually be a disease....I am addicted to them, no seriously where is that BA meeting again?

I came across The Small Things Blog about a month ago and was immediately hooked.  Kate, the author shares a great deal of style tips and I love that she labels the different pieces and where they are from.  She either was or still is a hair stylist and so she also gives tips on hair and beauty, including videos...which is really neat.  

Reading her blog actually inspired me to post more to mine. I would love to be able to blog daily about style, crafts, or just things that interest me (and I think would interest others as well). Of course  I am aware that I need to improve my grammatical skills and be a bit more disciplined. In a year I'd love to have followers and to know that people enjoy reading my thoughts but to be realistic I know it takes time...especially with how many blogs are available.

  As children we are told that we can do whatever we want, right? I may not be a child anymore but I can still accomplish those goals that my heart is set on...right?

Happy reading...cannot wait to see where we are in a year!

Sunday, November 4, 2012 new obsession

    Sunday was another DIY weekend for our family. We have been spending most weekends improving our home and making projects and I must say I have really enjoyed it.  I know I am growing up when I go from wanted to spend the weekend at the mall to wanting to spend the weekend at Home Depot.  I remember going there with my parents when I was younger, in fact it felt like a second home.  After Lois and I walked through all the display doors, sat on the display toilets and tried out the showers we became deathly bored.  I vowed I would never step foot into a Home Depot when I was an adult...well, that vow went out the window.

     Today I attempted the transfer pin that some may have seen on Pinterest. Basically it is transferring a picture from regular printer paper to a board. I was pretty nervous and excited because I really wanted it to work. It also requires overnight drying which was quite trying on my patience but I made it through.  I am happy to report it was a SUCCESS! I will definitely being doing this craft again (a couple will be Christmas presents). Actually most of my presents this year will be handmade, which I love.
      Ryan had his own DIY project today as well and I love him for doing it. Our coffee table was becoming scratched through wear (and not to mention three boys) and I wanted to make it darker with a antique look, giving it some character. Ryan did a great job, it looks amazing and now our living room is really coming together.
I've gotten many of my ideas from Pinterest lately and this was one of them.  There are several links located on Pinterest for "How To's" but I am going to list it below as well for anyone interested. With the holidays coming up soon these are great gifts for Grandparents and friends.

Transferring pictures to wood
What will I need?
*Block of wood (in your desired size...I used 8 X 10)
*Picture printed on basic printer/copy paper (same size as your wood)
*Gel Medium
*Mod Podge

How do I do it?
Brush gel medium onto your wood (not to much but not to little). Place picture (face side down) onto the piece of wood and smooth out any bubbles. Let this dry overnight (or for at least 5 hours). After it is dry wet the paper and rub it off gently to reveal the picture. Soaking a washcloth in water and letting it sit on the paper for a few minutes makes this easier.  Once the paper is removed brush mod podge onto the wood. Let dry and viola! Hope you enjoy it :-)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween and pony rides

So Halloween has already come and went, where did this year go? I swear it was just August and the kids were getting ready to start school.
Every holiday the boys get a card from "Grandma 2" it's a tradition they have come to love...the included dollar doesn't hurt either.


         Instead of doing the usual trick-or-treat we went to our church's "Family fun night" which was a lot of fun. The boys got to do a pony ride (Bentley wasn't sure if he was having fun or not) and play games. 

As they played the games they were given tickets for prizes (think Peter Piper Pizza) and Andrew got a flute, Leland a baseball an bat, Bentley a fireman and slinky. All in all it was a fun night. We were glad to have daddy there to enjoy it with us.

Don't worry, they didn't miss out on candy as the church gave out a HUGE bag of it...which somehow Bentley keeps finding!

         We didn't do the usual pumpkin carving either...we really slacked on the traditions didn't we? However, we did go to Mother Nature's Farm and it was fun as always.

We've been going for a few years now (ah...there we go a tradition). This year along with the tractor pull ride, petting zoo and pumpkin patch there was also a reptile exhibit. The boys spent most their time there. I was a little hesitant as was Bentley. They had a python in a windowless cage!

I welcome November with open arms as it is my favorite time of year. The decorations, pumpkin smells, and yummy feasts. I could; however, do without the Christmas early! Towards the end of the month is mom and I's new tradition...BLACK FRIDAY! Last year we went at midnight, shopping on no that's the way to do it! This year? Who knows but I can't wait to find out!